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12.10.2022 - MSV International Engineering Fair in Brno

Orechová Potôň, 12.10.2022 – The new hydrogen bus developed by Mobility & Innovation Production (MIP) company achieved another accomplishment when it received a gold medal for innovation in transport and logistics during the annual MSV International Engineering Fair in Brno, Czech Republic.

MSV is the most important engineering fair in Central Europe, with a high attendance among industry experts and leaders. Up to 80% of the attendees influence decisions regarding spending and a third belongs to top management.

One of the main themes of MSV 2022 was the circular economy and efficient use of material resources. This trend is vital for sustainable development and the adaptation of our industries will continue to head in this direction. The displayed hydrogen bus fit the theme of MSV 2022 very well since it presented a hydrogen technology that is very ecological and economical with regard to energy and material use. The so-called hydrogen economy itself is considered to be circular.

Gold Medal for Innovation in Transport and Logistics

The hydrogen bus has won the gold medal for innovation in transport and logistics out of all the exhibited products in the category. The main aim of the prestigious gold medal MSV 2022 contest was to reward the most innovative and interesting exponents presented. The contest is declared by the Transport Union of the Czech Republic and the Brno University of Technology. The event is organized by BVV.

“Gold” Hydrogen Bus

A few factors played a role in winning the medal. Of those, the most decisive ones were the unique bodywork, highly efficient hydrogen drive, and low energy consumption.

Bus Bodywork

The bus bodyworks by the MIP company are composed of individual modules fused using a special gluing technology. The modules are made out of an ultra-light composite material. The finished bodywork is self-supporting and resistant to all weather conditions. Furthermore, it is non-conductive and fire-resistant. During a crash, the bodywork is resilient and easily repairable.

Hydrogen and Electric Drive

Hydrogen tanks in the bus are capable of carrying 10.2 kg at 350 bars and can be filled in less than 10 minutes. The unique placement of the tanks in the rear engine “area” lowers the center of gravity and allows for the use of lighter hydrogen tanks. This configuration also lowers the load on the axles and lengthens their service lifetime.

A highly efficient fuel cell from Loop Energy ensures the maximal power of 30 kW using hydrogen electrolysis. The excess heat energy from the fuel cell is recovered using a heat exchanger.

The bus contains two battery accumulators with a total capacity of 70 kWh and a Siemens electric motor with a power output of 160 kW, which comfortably provides operation speeds above 80 km/h

Low Consumption and Long Range

Due to innovations in the bodywork and configuration of the vehicle, together with the right use of high-quality and efficient components in the hydrogen and electric systems, the hydrogen bus today achieves a record low consumption of 3.2 kg/100km and a range above 400 km in city traffic. Using only the battery accumulators, the bus can travel more than 100 km.


The MIP hydrogen bus has many advantages compared to traditional combustion engine or electric buses. The bodywork is not only resilient but is also lightweight and has a long lifetime, which can reach 40 years if properly maintained. The same can be said of the brake system which is less strained due to the low bus weight and the braking energy recovery. Besides, the high quality and efficiency of the zero-emission electric and hydrogen systems is ensured. The hydrogen bus also does not need a large number of batteries as the electric buses, which further lessens the load and improves driving range.

Another highly important fact is that the bus is fully homologated and ready for immediate deployment within the European road infrastructure and city traffic.

Galeria MSV